Your primary care practitioner (PCP)

When you join Keystone First, you choose a primary care practitioner (PCP). Your PCP oversees your health care. He or she is responsible for taking care of your health and, when necessary, arranging care for you from other health care providers.

When you become a Keystone First member, it is important to make an appointment with your PCP right away. You should see your PCP for regular checkups.

How do I choose my PCP?

You can choose the same PCP for the entire family or you can have a different PCP for each family member. There are different kinds of practitioners who can be PCPs, including:

  • Family practice and general practice doctors, who treat adults and children
  • Internal medicine doctors or internists, who treat members older than 18
  • Pediatricians, who treat children from birth to age 21
  • Some certified registered nurse practitioners (CRNPs).

If this PCP is new for you, call your old PCP and ask that your medical records be sent to your new PCP. It is important for your new PCP to know your medical history.

How can I get in touch with my PCP?

You can call your PCP for medical problems 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


  • It is important to be on time for your appointment.
  • If you are going to be late or need to cancel your appointment, call the PCP's office ahead of time and let him or her know.
  • Try to give the PCP's office at least 24 hours notice if you need to change your appointment or you may be charged for the appointment.

How do I change my PCP?

Go to Find a Provider, which will help you find a PCP in your network. Then call Member Services at 1-800-521-6860 to request the change.

Nurse Call Line 1-866-431-1514