ID Cards
There are two important cards that you must remember to carry with you at all times:
- Your Keystone First ID (issued from Keystone First)
- Your ACCESS or EBT Card (issued from the Department of Human Services)
If you have other health insurance coverage, you must show that health insurance card at every office and pharmacy visit, along with your Keystone First ID card and your ACCESS or EBT Card.
Below you will see samples of a Keystone First ID card and an ACCESS or EBT Card.
Keystone First ID card

What if I lose my Keystone First ID card?
If you lose your Keystone First ID card, call Member Services at 1-800-521-6860 for a new one.
Do more online. Lost your ID card?
Log on to the member portal to order a new one.
You will also get an ACCESS or EBT Card from the Department of Human Services. If you lose your ACCESS or EBT Card, call your caseworker at your County Assistance Office. If you need to know where your County Assistance Office is located, or if you have questions about your cards, call Member Services at 1-800-521-6860.
The MA cards with the Capitol and cherry blossoms may be used for cash assistance, the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) and MA. Additionally, if a Member is eligible for cash assistance, they are automatically eligible for MA. Typically, this card is issued to the person who the cash assistance and/or SNAP benefit is directed to, or for MA it is issued to the head of household.
The “Blue Card(s)” are issued only for MA to all other members of the household.
Older MA cards that may still be active are shown here. The green/blue card with yellow “ACCESS” may also serve as the head of household’s EBT card for SNAP and cash assistance, and their MA card. The yellow card is only for MA for all other members of the household.